viernes, julio 24, 2015

Astronomy Adventure for Teachers

Astronomy Adventure for Teachers. Summer School
En el verano hay tiempo para todo; incluso para ir a un curso. Y si es un curso con buenos profesores, estupendos alumnos, prácticas bien diseñadas, instrumentos muy buenos y bajo el magnífico cielo estrellado de la Palma, mejor que mejor. Aprendimos, disfrutamos y conocimos a gente nueva y buenísimos en lo que hacen. La nota: un 10 sobre 10.

Aquí les dejo algunas fotos de las actividades y de la noche que pasamos en el observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos "observando" en el Grantecan. Rosa; Alvaro; Carlos; Andrew, Nayra,... y a todos los que estuvieron y a los que lo hicieron posible (Iac, Nuclio, Gtc, Nso, Gttp,...)

The “Astronomy Adventure for Teachers” Summer School is a four-day training event that will be celebrated in La Palma from July 20th to 23rd, 2015. It includes lectures and hands-on workshops on Astronomy and related fields. The School also offers a training visit to the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM), which is recognized as one of the best astrophysical observatories in the world, and has the biggest concentration of telescopes in the Northern Hemisphere.                            

Its main objective is to introduce to teachers the use of technology and various eLearning resources, as well as to train them in small-scale science projects that can be pursued in schools. These tools and techniques will help them in engaging their students into science topics, in order to acquire scientific inquiry skills and experience the culture of doing science under motivating circumstances.

The School is organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), the National Schools' Observatory (NSO, Liverpool John Moores University, UK) and the Interactive Nucleus for Astronomy (NUCLIO, Portugal), in the framework of the Open Discovery Space (ODS) project and IAC Educational projects.  ÁLBUM de FOTOS

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